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Autographes et lettres reçus de Zachery Ty Bryan
(page 1 sur 1):
Zachery Ty Bryan Success! - 25 août 2020
Sent an LOR, SASE, and 8x10 and today received my 8x10 signed and inscribed as well as a wonderful handwritten note! Actor, best known for his role as Brad Taylor on Home Improvement. Great show and wonderful guy! Used address in database: 5 Colonial Dr Newport Beach, CA 92660 Sent: August 6, 2020 Received: August 25, 2020 Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures
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Zachery Ty Bryan RTS - 09 août 2020 | Dirección 'devuelto al remitente' Adresse 'retour à l'expéditeur' .
La Poste n'a pas pu distribuer la lettre.
ZTB doesn't really act anymore so figured sending to his agent would be pointless. Sent to the address of his production company: c/o Lost Lane Entertainment 6121 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles CA 90028 Turns out on further research that the company may have closed or moved. Either way sent 6/2/20 Received RTS (no reason given) 8/6/20 Sorry, threw away the envelope.
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