Autographes et lettres reçus de Todd Hollandsworth (page 1 sur 1): |
MLB Todd Hollandsworth SUCCESS! 2/22/19 - 23 février 2019 Sent LOR, SASE, 01 Topps and 01 UD Reserve to his Parkland, FL address on 2/12/19. Got response 2/22/19, both cards returned, signed in red. Bad choice of cards on my part, especially for a red marker. |
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MLB Todd Hollandsworth Success - 16 février 2019 Sent a LOR, SASE, and TC to : Todd Hollandsworth 8735 Watercrest Circle E Parkland, FL 33076-2853 Sent : 2/8/19 Received : 2/15/19 |
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Todd Hollandsworth RTS - 16 juin 2018 | Adresse 'retour à l'expéditeur' |
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Todd Hollandsworth (former LA Dodger) success!! - 11 mai 2011 |
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