Flo the Progressive Girl Success (Stephanie Courtney) - 28 avril 2012 Earlier this week I sent an email to through their Contact Us page. It only took a couple days. The pictures are on my website. Oh, and this isn't real it's just printed on the picture.
Flo Progressive Lady (Picture) (Stephanie Courtney) - 25 février 2012 Hey!
I got a few days back was really lazy to post but the Mocha Latte really gave me a lot of energy, so Im back.
The photo on the envelope is an eye that i took my eye to be exact! ( Dont know why Im telling you this)
What did you send:E-mail https://www.progressive.com/contact-us.aspx
Did they reply with anything:Yes
Real or Fake: Fake ,Name Tag, Pin
Envelope: -
Stuff: -
Happy Collecting!
Flo Success (Stephanie Courtney) - 03 février 2012 So about 3 days before the success I emailed Progressive about how I liked Flo and if I could receive an autograph they emailed back offering other items (a name tag and pin) So I got the pp Flo on glossy paper and the name tag and pin, I'm really happy with this success (my first through the mail) Sorry no envelope and pics up later.