Autographes et lettres reçus de Stanislas Wawrinka (page 1 sur 2):
Stanislas Wawrinka success - 31 janvier 2014 Kinda old success, but totally forgot to post it. On 14.11.2013 I sent to Stan LOR, SAE and IRC and on 27.11.2013 I received signed card
Address used:
Stanislas Wawrinka
Ferme du Chateau CH
1040 Saint Barthelemy
Stanislas Wawrinka Success - 19 avril 2013 I sent LOR, SAE and IRC to
Stanislas Wawrinka
Ferme du Château CH
1040 Saint Barthelemy
and received a signed card of him.
Date sent: 08.04.2013
Date received: 19.04.2013