Autographes et lettres reçus de Sophia Loren (page 21 sur 29):
Sophia Loren Success - 30 mai 2013 Sent album soundtrack of the film "Judith" and 3 pictures, lor and sae + 2 [IRC, used switerland address in data base, sent April 20/13, recieved may 29/13      |
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Sophia Loren success! - 10 mai 2013 Sent: LOR, SAE, 1IRC, 2 photos (april 2013)
Recived: My 2 photos signed in my SAE (10th may 2013)
Address used: From DB.
Sophia Loren
Case Postale 430
1211 Geneve 12
Thank FM & Dame Loren!
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Sophia Loren TTM Success. - 13 avril 2013 -
Sent photos, Blank Envelope, $5 USD (IRCs are discontinued), and LOR on 2/28/2013.
Received on 4/11/13. |  |
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Sophia Loren Success - 07 avril 2013 This week I got a success from gorgeous Sophia Loren. I sent letter, sase and two photos to the address in database in march.
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Sophia Loren - Success - 13 mars 2013 I received this in January 2013 from the beautiful Sophia Loren. When I first saw her film & heard her speak, I could of swore I had an OBE. Sophia Loren is HOT!
I sent two photos, LOR, & SAE + IRC on Dec. 27th 2012 to the address in the database. I received my photos back, personalized, on Jan. 17th 2013. A fairly quick success.
What surprised me about the reply was the location the package was sent back to me from. I sent it to the Switzerland address, but the return address label is from a private California residence. I did a little research of the name on the return label & found out that it was Sophia Lorens daughter-in-law. Sophia must have been spending the holidays with the family and brought her mail with her; or it was forwarded?!? If I had known, I wouldve sent stamps instead of using my last IRCs. I live like thirty minutes away.
Here is one of the photos:
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