Autographes et lettres reçus de Shirley Henderson (page 7 sur 17):
SHIRLEY HENDERSON SUCCESS :) - 12 octobre 2013 I sent a letter to Shirley Henderson request an autograph
I sent the letter Monday 5.8.13
I got my autograph Thursday 29.8.13
This is the address I used:
Shirley Henderson Hamilton Hodell 5th Floor 66-68 Margaret Street London W1W 8SR
Shirley Henderson :) - 06 septembre 2013 I received a lovely reply from the talented Shirley Henderson. Sent her a letter and two drawings and received both my drawings signed and a letter answering my questions. I did not mention Harry Potter as I did not want her usual reply
One of the drawings:
I dont have the envelope.
Sent 10.08.2013
Reply 2.09.2013
Used Hamilton Hodell address on the database.
Shirley Henderson (Harry Potter) quick & lovely success - 02 mai 2013 Sent: 17th Apr. 2013 SASE and LOR and 2 pictures
Received: 02nd May 2013 my 2 pictures signed and personalized and a lovely letter
Address in the Database
Thank you Shirley and Fanmail