Feedback received for Saffron Burrows (page 1 of 1):
Saffron Burrows VV success - November 21st, 2014 On Sept 19, 2014, I sent 2 photos and an SASE to:
Saffron Burrows
"Mozart in the Jungle - Season 1"
Broadway Stages
21-29 45th Road
Long Island City, NY 11101
Today (Nov 20, 2014), I received both photos signed. Wohoo!
I do not know if the address is still valid.
Envelope: ... 36f504.jpg
Photos (8x10):
Saffron Burrows Success - July 12th, 2011 c/o United Agents Ltd.
12-26 Lexington Street
London, W1F 0LE
Sent custom card, letter, SAE with $2 cash.
Received signed card in SAE with my $2.00 returned also.
Would welcome authenticity comments!