Autographes et lettres reçus de Robert Schenkkan (page 1 sur 1):
Robert Schenkkan(ST:TNG) Success - 04 avril 2013 Sent Mr. Schenkkan LOR, SASE and 1 photo on 2-25-13 to William Morris address in database. Received back signed on 4-3-13.
Robert Schenkkan (Star Trek: TNG) success! - 04 août 2012 On 7/5/12, sent LOR, SASE and 8x10" photo to:
Robert Schenkkan
c/o David Lubliner
9601 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
On 8/3/12, received personalized 8x10 signed in blue marker and my LOR back with a note of thanks...
Trek TNG fans will remember him as the ill-fated Lt. Cmdr. Dexter Remmick of season 1, who gets blown up because his body is hosting a queen parasite. Others may also recall him as the guidance counselor from PUMP UP THE VOLUME. (Happy Harry: "Lets fire all the guidance counselors and make them WORK for a living!")