Autographes et lettres reçus de Rob Wiethoff (page 1 sur 1):
Rob Wiethoff (John Marston) - Red Dead Redemption Success - 18 janvier 2013 I loved the game Red Dead Redemption so I thought it would be cool to try and get an autograph from the person who voiced the main character John Marston. I had great success on this. I sent him an email via an address I found and he gave me an address of where I could send some stuff. I sent 2 5x7 photos, 1 8.5x11 photo, 1 game cover, letter of request, and SASE and I received everything back signed plus a letter from him.
Sent - 1/7/13
Received 1/18/13
The website of where I found his email was
I do not want to post the address just in case.
Thanks Mr. Wiethoff! This was a great success.