Autographes et lettres reçus de Richard Dawkins (page 1 sur 1):
Biologist, Author, and Outspoken Atheist Richard Dawkins - SUCCESS!! - 12 mai 2019 [size=150The latest addition to my autographed deck of playing cards is from Biologist, Author, and outspoken Atheist Richard Dawkins. Sent LOR, SASE, and playing card to Mr. Dawkins on 3/25/2019 to:
Richard Dawkins
c/o Marian Dawkins
Department of Zoology
University of Oxford
Zoology Research and Administration Building
11a Mansfield Road
Oxford OX1 3SZ
Received the card back signed on 5/11/2019 (47 days).[/size
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Ethologist and Author Richard Dawkins - Failure - 24 mars 2019 [size=150Sent LOR, SASE, and playing card to Ethologist, Evolutionary Biologist, and Author Richard Dawkins. Sent to:
Richard Dawkins Foundation
1012 14th St NW
Suite 205
Washington, DC 20005
Received the card back unsigned on 3/21 with a note reading: "Richard Dawkins lives in the UK and cannot respond to your request".[/size
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Richard Dawkins Success - 19 mars 2018 Sent LOR, SASE and bookplate to:
Dr. Richard Dawkins, FRS, FRSL, DPhil
c/o New College of the Humanities
19 Bedford Sq.
Received my bookplate back signed.
Sent: 2/23/18
Received: 3/19/18
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Richard Dawkins Success (old) - 18 mai 2011 Richard Dawkins
c/o Oxford University
University Offices
Wellington Square
Oxford, OX1 2JD
United Kingdom
Waited about a month
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