Reggie Miller RTS - 27 mai 2012 About few months ago I mailed out 2 Reggie Miller cards to get sign. Yesterday I got the cards back unsigned with a note. Here is what the notes says.
Hello- Thank You for the kind words of support. I wish I was able to sign everything that has been sent to be but unfortunately that is not possible. I am returning your items to you and hope you continue to be a fan of the greatest game on earth.
Now what I dont get is that Reggie sent me a note saying that he was unable to sign the 2 cards I sent him but he signed Reggie #31 on the note.
Reggie Miller (NBA HOFer) success - 19 mai 2012 On 1/12/12 I sent a card, letter and SASE to Reggie Miller, former NBA great with the Indiana Pacers and recently elected to the Hall of Fame. On 5/17/12 I received the card autographed. Glad to have this great shooters autograph. Sent it to the TNT address in the database.
@^_^@ Reggie Miller Success! - 23 janvier 2012 Hi guys. I sent a LOR, an 8x10 photo, and SASE to Mr.Miller on Jan 4th, 2012. I received it back signed on Jan 23rd, 2012. He personalized and put "Boom Baby" as well. This is a great success for me because he is one of my favorite players of all time.
Thanks for checking this post. Thank you Mr.Miller. I really appreciate.