Rachel Reynolds Success!!! - 29 octobre 2011 Hey everyone... I got back my 2nd success for week today as I was lucky enough to get back an autograph from Model Rachel Reynolds!!! She is currently one of the Models on The Price Is Right. I'm very happy to have her in my collection. Here is the breakdown for my success.
[uDate of Send Out[/u: September 24th, 2011
[uDate I Got It Back[/u: OctOber 29th, 2011
[uWait Time[/u: Only 35 Days!!!
[uAddress Used[/u:
Rachel Reynolds
C/O The Price Is Right
CBS Television City
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
[uWhat I Sent Out[/u: Letter, SASE, & Photo
[uWhat I Got Back[/u: My Photo Autographed by Rachel Reynolds Personalized to me with a fine tip black sharpie in their mailer. My SASE was not used or returned.
Below is the link to the photo & photo mailer I sent/got back
Thank You Rachel & Fanmail.biz!!! |