Paul Molitor (Minnesota Twins) Success - 19 avril 2012 On 12-15-11, I sent a LOR, baseball card, and what I thought was a SASE to Paul Molitor at :
Paul Molitor
C/O Minnesota Twins
Target Field
1 Twins Way
Minneapolis, MN 55403
On 4-18-12, I was surprised to find a letter with my handwriting on it in my mail box with no stamp on it. In it, contained the 1987 Leaf Molitor card I sent back in December signed. I don't know if I was drunk when I wrote the letter and forgot to put a stamp on my "SASE", or if it fell off somehow, but nevertheless, somehow my card made its way back to my house; arriving with no stamp on the return envelope. Great succes. I got lucky on this one. |