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Autographes et lettres reçus de Misha Collins
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Misha Collins Failure - 15 novembre 2014
I sent LOR, two photos, IRC and SAE. Received my photos unsigned and additional unsigned photo in my SAE. Sent: 19 September 2014 Received: 29 October 2014 Address used: Misha Collins "Supernatural - Season 10" (Until Jan 07 2015) Supernatural 10 Films, Inc. 8085 Glenwood Drive Burnaby, BC V3N 5C8 Canada
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Misha Collins Failure - 07 octobre 2014
Sent a letter and 8x10 photo w/self-addressed envelope back when they were filming the last season - I forget when it was. A while ago, certainly. Received my unsigned photo today 10/6 in the self-addressed envelope I made. Also received some odd little picture of Collins...a postcard type thing? Not sure. :neutral: Address used was: Supernatural 9 Films Inc 8085 Glenwood Drive Burnaby BC V3N 5C8 Canada Given that the envelope was opened and whatnot, this address is valid. But he may have given up signing via venue. So you might wanna save your stamps and $$$. Sorry - can't take a photo of the envelope right now as my phone is dead. But I just wanted to give people a heads up.
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Misha Collins RTS - 27 juin 2013 | Dirección 'devuelto al remitente' Adresse 'retour à l'expéditeur' .
La Poste n'a pas pu distribuer la lettre.
I sent picture, letter and sase to the address in database. Recieved today unopened with the address marked out RTS. Didnt keep the envelope.
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Misha Collins(Supernatural) Success - 01 décembre 2012
I sent a photo, SAE, and two IRCs to the Season 8 address. They were sent on 9/12/12 and received back 11/29/12. My photo was returned unsigned but he sent along a different photo signed. I think it was pre-signed. I ran a fingernail over it and the marker is definitely on top of the photo. Misha Collins "Supernatural - Season 8" (Until Apr 18 2013) Supernatural 5 Films, Inc. 8085 Glenwood Drive Burnaby, BC V3N 5C8 Canada
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Misha Collins Success!!! :D my first TTM success :) - 13 août 2012
Send sometime in may. I send a Lor, 2 Ircs , and a SAE, 2 pictures. I got back 1 picture signed <img src= (its my favorite picture). I send to the address in the databass <img src= Very happy with this success <img src= . - -
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