Autographes et lettres reçus de Marty Brennaman (page 1 sur 1):
MLB Marty Brennaman SUCCESS! 7/10/19 (Cincinnati Reds) - 11 juillet 2019 Sent LOR, SASE, and personalized index card on 6/24/19 to:
Marty Brennaman
100 Joe Nuxhall Way
c/o Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Got response 7/10/19 (16 days), index card returned, signed in black marker.
HOF Broadcaster Marty Brennaman Success (Cincinnati Reds) - 03 février 2016 HOF Broadcaster Marty Brennaman, Cincinnati Reds
Sent blank signature cards to Cincinnati Reds (Ohio database address) in Aug. 2015, got back 2/2/16. Signed 2/2.
Marty Brennaman SUCCESS (Cincinnati Reds) - 14 septembre 2013 Sent letter SASE and photo on May 10 received today!
Address used:
c/o Cincinnati Reds
Great American Ballpark
100 Joe Nuxhall Way
Cincinnati, OH
marty brennaman (cincinnati reds announcer) success - 18 mai 2011 sent marty a ticket stub on 4/18/2011 and received it back signed in black sharpie on 5/18/2011 he even added the inscription HOF 2000. for when he was inducted into the cincinnati reds hall of fame. a great success from a great person
used address
c/o cincinnati reds
great american ball park
100 joe nuxhall way
cincinnati oh 45202