Autographes et lettres reçus de Martin Cooper (page 2 sur 2):
Martin Cooper success - 18 septembre 2011 Sent: LOR 11.08.2011
Received: 17.09.2011
Mr. Martin Cooper
100 Via De La Valle
Suite 200
Del mar, CA 92014
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Martin Cooper (inventor of the mobile phone) email success - 12 septembre 2011 sent to Mr Coopers assistant an email of request and 9 days after I received a nice photo with the first mobile phone in the world
return address on the envelope:
100 Via De La Valle Suite 200. Del mar, CA 92014 ... or-of.html
Martin Cooper (born December 26, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois, USA) is an American former Motorola vice president and division manager who in the 1970s led the team that developed the handheld mobile phone (as distinct from the car phone). Cooper is the CEO and founder of ArrayComm, a company that works on researching smart antenna technology and improving wireless networks, and was the corporate director of Research and Development for Motorola. |  |
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