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Autographes et lettres reçus de Kurt Sutter
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katey sagal & kurt Sutter success PP - 25 août 2015
katey sagal & kurt Sutter success PP Today In mail The address Katey Sagal T.M.C.E. 7985 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 550 West Hollywood, CA 90046 USA
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Katey Sagal / Kurt Sutter failure - 31 mars 2014
I sent them a nice letter for both of them, sent two photos each and a SASE to Kateys agency and today I got them all sent back in my SASE unsigned. Wtf? I realize Katey sells her sig but if you email her she sends out a photo. And she has signed in the past for people using her agency. Kind of annoyed - they could've just RTSd it but atleast I got my photos back. Maybe I will only send one photo each! Anyone else have this issue?
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Kurt Sutter success - 23 septembre 2011
Excecutive producer of Sons of Anarchy and Otto "Big Otto" Delaney in SoA. Sent 11 july 2011 LOR, SAE, 2 IRC and photo Received 16 sept 2011 photo signed Address used: Sutter Ink 15260 Ventura Blvd Ste 1700 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 USA - -
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