Autographes et lettres reçus de Kim Delaney (page 1 sur 1):
kim delaney and armywives cast poems for soldiers an loved o - 25 août 2008 if you read this im telling you my story of military life my name is ashley gandy an im a daughter of a navy officer and army national guard who is serving in iraq im from virginia an im a seventeen years old grew up military life an my mother is my inspiration she inspired me to go an write poems for soldiers an fallen soldiers an the loved ones to i grew up military life an country life my mother deploys almost every month but its hard for me to go to an weary that she might die. an i lost my bestfriend sarah in iraq an her mother who was layed by each other they both loved armywives an they wanted to say thanks for telling their story.and sarah is the love of my life who died in iraq she said to me go out an reach your dreams i will be a actress hey kim delaney and cast of armywives thanks for telling our story you touched so many soldiers lives i salute you and those that are in uniform serving in iraq well bye if you want a poem send me your email adress an name i will send it if you are cast of army