Autographes et lettres reçus de Juli (page 90 sur 91):
Julie Bowen (LOST / Modern Family) success - 21 mai 2011 sent: 07/28/2010 sase & 3 photos
rcvd: 05/21/2011
took 297 days
Julie Bowen
Modern Family
10201 W. Pico Blvd.
Bldg. 69
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Ms. Bowen is well known as Sarah Shephard (Wagner) in LOST and Claire in Modern Family.
The photos I sent were all from her role in LOST, she signed all 3.
(The first 3 ones on the page)
Thanks Ms. Bowen and Fanmail!
Julie Andrews Success - 18 mai 2011 Sent request September 2010. Got signed pictures back January 2011
Address Used
Julie Andrews
P.O. Box 491668
Los Angeles, CA 90049-8668
(no scan of envelope)
Cathy Murphy (Julie Perkins) - 05 mai 2011 Date Sent: April 18th, 2011
Date Received: May 5th, 2011
Sent letter and SASE to:
Cathy Murphy
c/o EastEnders
BBC Elstree Centre
Clarendon Road
Received 6x4 colour "EastEnders" promo photocard signed and personalised, along with a personal reply on the reverse of the photo. Thank you very much Cathy.
Here is a link to the photo: ... ersau.jpg/
Here is a link to the personal reply on the reverse of the photo: ... erspe.jpg/