Autographes et lettres reçus de Joyce Randolph (page 2 sur 3):
Honeymooners Actress Joyce Randolph Success! - 30 août 2017 Joyce Randolph is an actress who is best known for portraying Trixie Norton in the 1950s sitcom The Honeymooners. Though the show only lasted for 39 episodes, it became an instant classic and was chosen by TV Guide as the 3rd greatest TV show of all time. She is the last surviving member of the main Honeymooners cast.
She signed the photo I sent and returned it in my SASE in 30 days.
Address and photo on my blog -> ... joyce.html
Joyce Randolph
295 Central Park West #18-A
New York, NY 10024-3008
Joyce Randolph FAST Success! - 23 février 2016 Sent February 13th LOR, 8x10, SASE to the Central Park address in database
Received February 22nd my 8x10 signed and personalized, and my LOR signed as well! (9 Days)
SUPER FAST! Very surprised as many of her recent successes reported have taken months.
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Joyce Randolph - 01 juin 2015 Sent to Joyce Randolph about 2 months ago to address on this site: 295 Central Park W. Rec photo signed and personalised today also thank you note.
Joyce Randolph success - 24 mars 2015 Sent lor, 2 - 4x6 photos, sase to Ms Randolph on 5/31/14 and received today 3/24/15. Both personalized and note written on my letter. Never give up!!
Sorry, unable to scan.
Joyce Randolph Fantastic Success! - 10 mai 2014
Sent SASE and post card on 4/19/2014. Received back signed card and personal note on 4/28/2014! Used address in database:
295 Central Park West
Suite 18-A
New York, NY 10024-3008