Feedback received for Jacqueline Brookes (page 1 of 1):
Jacqueline Brookes (Star Trek: TNG) success! - August 4th, 2012 In mid-July, 2012 (date uncertain), I hand-delivered an SASE, LOR and 8x10 addressed to Jacqueline Brookes, to the front desk at:
Circle in the Square Theatre School
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
Shes a professor there, and the school (or, really, the actual Paramount Plaza bldg) is not far from where I work, so I figured that I might as well hand-deliver it. (And it saved me on postage too)
Today, I was delighted(!) to receive back my 8x10, personalized and with a wonderfully kind hand-written note... Im thrilled!
Ms. Brooks, among a myriad of other roles, played Rear Admiral Brand, the commandant of Starfleet Academy in the ST:TNG episode "The First Duty." She is an inCREDible actress. Talk about gravitas!