Autographes et lettres reçus de Jack Nicklaus (page 5 sur 9):
Jack Nicklaus Success - 21 juin 2015 Received a great success from The Golden Bear! I sent a letter and a self addressed stamped manila envelope requesting a signed photo.
Sent: 4/28/15
Received: 6/19/15
Sent to:
Jack Nicklaus
11780 U.S HighWay One.
Suite 500
North Palm Beach, FL 33408 ... 4yvi9l.jpg
Jack Nicklaus - 12 mai 2015 I sent an autograph request to Jack Nicklaus. Got back a personalized signed photo of Jack Nicklaus in Late March of 2015. Sent it to Florida
Jack Nicklaus Success TTM!!!! - 08 avril 2015 I sent a LOR, SASE and photo to him using the address on the website on 3/23/15 and got it back signed today (4/8/15)
Jack Nicklaus Success!! - 18 septembre 2014 Sent 3x5 index card, Letter, and SASE to Mr. Nicklaus on August 13 2014. On August 23 2014 received back a signed and personalized 8x10.
Address Used
Jack Nicklaus
11780 US Highway One.
Suite: 500
North Palm Beach, FL.
Jack Nicklaus success! Less than 2 weeks! - 07 mai 2014 On 4/25/14 I sent a SASE, LOR and 8x10 to Jack Nicklaus using the address in the database. Very surprised to see my picture arrive back signed and personalized less than 2 weeks later.
Here is the picture
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And the envelope. (Sorry, no matter how I turn the envelope, it always comes up upside down)
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