Autographes et lettres reçus de Green Bay Packers (page 15 sur 15):
AARON RODGERS GREEN BAY PACKERS FAILURE - 22 septembre 2011 today i received back my items unsigned-in February i sent a GB super bowl champs mag and a div champ hat to the address in the data base listed here. im happy to have got back my 40 bucks worth of stuff but it's pretty worthless to me unsigned.
maybe i'll try one of the lesser starlettes and see what happens.
Edgar Bennett Success (Green Bay Packers) - 21 juillet 2011 Sent Mr. Bennett 3 trading cards, LOR, SASE on 7-14-11 got them back today signed (A+)
Sent in c/o of the Green Bay Packers
Two cards are to big to upload will have to post to image shack in a while
Charles Woodson Success (Green Bay Packers) - 16 mai 2011 Sent SASE, LOR and Topps card to the Packers address on 2/7. Got it back on 5/16. It is definately real.
Charles Woodson
Green Bay Packers, Inc.
P.O. Box 10628
Green Bay, WI 54307-0628
Sorry I don't give pics or envelopes.