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Autographes et lettres reçus de George Mitterwald
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George Mitterwald Former MLB 3rd Attempt Success - 07 avril 2021
Sent a LOR, a SASE, and 3 cards (1977 Topps, Minnesota Twins AC, Chicago Cubs AC). All 3 cards returned signed in blue ink. Now the oldest autographed card I have in my collection. On both my 1st and 2nd attempts I sent to the wrong addresses. Fast reply (7 days). Sent: 03/29/21 Received: 04/05/21 George Mitterwald 5314 Kenyon Rd Orlando, FL 32810 Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures
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George Mitterwald Former MLB Fail RTS - 26 mars 2021 | Adresse 'retour à l'expéditeur' Adresse 'retour à l'expéditeur' .
La Poste n'a pas pu distribuer la lettre.
Sent a LOR, a SASE, and 4 cards on 03/06/21 to George Mitterwald 1721 Murdock Blvd Orlando, FL 32825-5644. Received the original envelope back unopened and marked RTS with wrong address written on the front on 03/18/21. If anyone has had any success or a current, working address please let me know. Thanks. Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures
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