Autographes et lettres reçus de Don Williams (page 1 sur 1): |
MLB Brandon Williamson Success (Cincinnati Reds) - 24 octobre 2024 Sent a LOR, SASE and TC to: Brandon Williamson 1667 100th Ave Welcome, MN 56181 Sent: 10/2/24 Received: 10/24/24 |
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Don Williams - 26 février 2013 Sent Don Williams a letter before Christmas and received a personalized photo on January 11, 2013. Picture: |
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Don Williams (Country singer) RTS - 06 octobre 2011 | Adresse 'retour à l'expéditeur' On September 14, 2011, using the database address: Don Williams Royal Chimes, Inc. 1630 North Main Street No. 341 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 I sent LOR, SASE, and 1 photo. Today, October 6, 2011, I received this RTS saying, "Undeliverable commercial mail receiving agency, no authorization to receive mail for the addressee". Heres the envelope: ... amsRTS.jpg |
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