Autographes et lettres reçus de Dobie Gray (page 1 sur 1):
Dobie Gray - Success (R.I.P.) - 29 décembre 2011 (10) Personalized & Answered My Q&A
Dobie Gray (Singer - "Drift Away")
Mailed: 8/16/11 (2 - 4x6) (1 Month Turnaround)
Received: 9/24/11 Signed Backs of Both Pictures, Personalized, & Answered Q&A
I heard that just recently Dobie had passed away. Its wild for me because
almost all the time I send out for an auto for someone who is kind of older,
they end up passing away a couple of months later. Was nice to get his
autos back from him, even if he did only auto the back of the pictures.
RIP Mr. Gray, your music will live on.
By ###:// at 2011-12-28
By ###:// at 2011-12-28