Autographes et lettres reçus de Dannii Minogue (page 2 sur 2):
Dannii Minogue-Great Success!! - 11 novembre 2011 Date sent:3rd Oct 2011
What was sent:letter, 4 small photos and s.a.e
Address used:kdb Artists Ltd,P.O Box 46824,London SW11 3WS
Date received:11th Nov 2011
What was received:all my photos signed + she sent a 8 x 6 size signed photocard in a bigger envelope with mine stuck to front-Also Has Kdb Artists,P.O Box address crossed out on back of envelope with a new address added:57 D St Dionis Road,London SW6 4UB.
Great Result
picture: |
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Dannii Minogue ( Success ) - 22 septembre 2011 Sent - 28/7/11 I sent letter 2 pictures and SASE
Recieved - 22/9/11 My 2 pictures signed plus one of her own
Address i used was the UK one in the database
My pic 1 - ... an0004.jpg
My pic 2 - ... nogue2.jpg
Her pic - ... ogue-1.jpg
Sorry no envelope |    |
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Dannii Minogue AWESOME success - 01 juillet 2011 SENT: 12 June 2011 LOR 4 x 8x10s (one was already signed by her sister Kylie) SSAE
RCVD: 1 Jul 2011 All photos signed including the 6x4 I sent her to from when we met in 1997 all in my ssae
I also sent her book to her to sign back in Feb, getting a bit worried I emailed her management & they said they would check & get back to me. I then got an email from Danniis PA saying the package was never received & that she would arrange a replacement copy to be sent back to me & today (1 Jul 2011) I received that as well.
Thrilled to have an autographed photo of the minogue sisters together as huge fans of both. Also really happy that she has such a great team that looks after the fans to replace my book that went missing.
Address in database used.
Dannii Minogue
P.O. Box 46824
London SW11 3WS
Autographed photos:
http://autographcollectorofoz.blogspot. ... nogue.html
Autographed book:
http://autographcollectorofoz.blogspot. ... ue_01.html
my ssae:
- |    |
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Dannii Minogue Success :) - 23 mai 2011 Hi everyone,
I got a mega success from Dannii today.
Sent: 11st January 2011 (2 photos, LORA, SASE)
Received: 23rd May 2011 (5 photos signed and personalized, she added 3(!) photos)
What a lovely person.
Address: in the database
Photos: ... s0005.jpg/ ... s0006.jpg/ ... s0003.jpg/ ... s0004.jpg/
Envelope+photo: ... s0001.jpg/
Envelopes back: ... s0002.jpg/
Thank you so much! |       |
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