Autographes et lettres reçus de Damon Stoudamire (page 1 sur 2):
Damon STOUDAMIRE (NBA) - 20 mars 2021 Damon STOUDAMIRE
c/o Pacific Tigers Basketball
1176 Larry Heller Dr
Stockton, CA 95211
Sent 02/16/2021
Rec 03/20/2021
Signed 4 TC |
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Damon Stoudamire Coach/Former NBA Player Success - 08 février 2021
Sent a LOR, a SASE, 2x '95 Upper Deck Rookie cards, and a '96 UofA Wildcats card. All 3 cards sent back signed in black ink. Fast reply (11 days).
Sent: 01/26/21
Received: 02/06/21
Damon Stoudamire
c/o Pacific Tigers Basketball
1176 Larry Heller Dr
Stockton, CA 95211
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures |  |
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Damon Stoudamire NBA - 16 janvier 2021 Sent 1 Card to 199596 NBA ROY Damon Stoudamire on 12-10-20 Returned 1-15-21
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures |  |
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Damon Stoudamire (former NBA player) - 16 février 2018 Sent on 12/26/17 - LOR, TC, SASE to:
Damon Stoudamire
c/o Pacific Tigers
3601 Pacific Ave
Stockton, CA 95211
Received on 1/26/18: Returned my card signed. Unfortunately, looks like his marker was running out of ink so you can barely see it, but it's on his shorts.
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Damon Stoudamire NBA Success - 19 janvier 2016 Sent LOR, SASE and TC to:
Mr. Damon Stoudamire
c/o University of Memphis Athletics Department
570 Normal St.
AOB Room #230
Memphis, TN 38152
Received my card back signed.
Sent: 12/16/15
Received: 1/19/16
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