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Autographes et lettres reçus de Crystal Reed
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crystal reed (teen wolf) success :D - 20 juin 2011
ahhh this is a really great success! i started watching the new series of teen wolf on mtv. and im already addicted to the show. its AMAZING. well to me anyways. haha. i wrote to one of the characters crystal reed, she plays "alison" in the show. i sent her a photo, sase, and a really long letter. she wrote me back her own letter, signed my photo and sent it back to me in my sase i sent to her. shes really sweet. according to her letter she wrote me, i was the first fan to write her. thats exciting <img src= <img src= <img src= i love teen wolf! Crystal Reed Main Title Entertainment 8383 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 408 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 USA photo: - letter: - envelope: -
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