Autographes et lettres reçus de Charles Q. Brown Jr. (page 1 sur 1):
General Charles Q. Brown Jr. 21st Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - 04 décembre 2024 General CQ Brown Jr. became 21st Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff since October 2023. He is currently working on military reform. On 5/28/2024
I mailed a letter explaining how I find General Brown Jr.'s work to be very inspiring to me at:
General Charles Q. Brown Jr.
Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff
c/o Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff
9999 Joint Staff Pentagon, Room 2D920
Washington, DC 20318-9999
(took about 8 months)
On 12/04/2024 I received a nice letter from General Brown Jr. and he sent me a picture of himself.
Here is the link: