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Autographes et lettres reçus de Burt Hooton
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MLB Burt Hooton Success - 04 mars 2018
Sent a LOR, SASE, and 2 TCs to : Burt Hooton 3619 Granby Court San Antonio, TX 78219 Sent : 11/18/17 Received : 3/3/18 ... 48czz.html
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Burt Hooton MLB Success (Fort Wayne TinCaps) - 02 mars 2018
Sent LOR, SASE and TC to: Mr. Burt Hooton c/o Fort Wayne TinCaps 1301 Ewing St. Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Received my card back signed. Sent: 8/4/17 Received: 3/2/18 Uploaded with Uploaded with
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Burt Hooton (fmr Dodgers.Cubs hurler) success - 23 octobre 2014
sent him a card on 9-3-14 & got it back signed on 9-30-14. Here's the addy I used: 3619 Granby St San Antonio, TX 78217-4653
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Burt Hooton (FORMER PITCHER) AWESOME SUCCESS!!! - 18 février 2012
Hooton, Burt Success (91 Days) //"> 2011/11/19 2012/02/18 3619 Granby St San Antonio, TX 78217-4653 USA >> 6/6 Signed [youtubevqxCg-ecDv4[/youtube
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