Autographes et lettres reçus de Boston Bruins (page 3 sur 7):
Andy Brickley NHL Success (Boston Bruins) - 01 novembre 2018 Sent LOR, SASE and TC to:
Mr. Andy Brickley
c/o Boston Bruins
100 Legends Way
Boston, MA 02114
Received my card back signed and personalized.
Sent: 12/9/15
Received: 11/1/18
Uploaded with ###://
Uploaded with ###://
Joe Sacco NHL Success (Boston Bruins) - 28 septembre 2017 Sent LOR, SASE and TC to:
Mr. Joe Sacco
c/o Boston Bruins
TD Garden
100 Legends Way
Boston, MA 02114
Received my card back signed.
Sent: 3/17/16
Received: 9/28/17
Uploaded with ###://
Uploaded with ###://
Adam McQuaid Boston bruins success - 21 août 2017 Sent Adam a 8x10 photo on July 9th and recieved the photo back signed and personalized on August 9th. Address used was to TD Garden