Autographes et lettres reçus de Bobby Doerr (page 4 sur 13):
Bobby Doerr - MLB HOF'er - 1938 Goudey - 31 juillet 2014 Sent 1938 Goudey to him on 7/21/14. Recd it back today signed.
Mailed to:
PO Box 430 Junction City, OR 97448
Bobby Doerr - 1949 Leaf - Success - 10 mai 2014 Sent a 1949 Leaf card to him on 5/2/14. Recd it back today signed.
Mailed to: P.O. Box 430 Junction City, OR 97448
Former MLB Baseball Player Bobby Doerr Success! - 19 avril 2014 Bobby Doerr Former MLB Baseball Player for the Boston Red Sox. Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1986.
Bobby Doerr
PO Box 430
Junction City, OR 97448
I provided the photo.
Took about 2 weeks.
BOBBY DOERR SUCCESS - 06 mars 2014 I shipped a MLB baseball to Bobby Doerr's listed address on 20 February 2014 and it was returned signed on 3 March 2014. Ball was shipped with a self-addressed box for return of ball.
Bobby Doerr SUCCESS! - 27 janvier 2014 Sent letters awe and photo on January 16 received today!
Address used:
Mr. Bobby Doerr
94449 Territorial Hywy
Junction City, OR 97448
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