Autographes et lettres reçus de Bev Bevan (page 1 sur 1):
Bev Bevan Success!!! - 31 juillet 2016 I sent my LOR on 05/07/2016 and I got my reply on the 29/07/2016
I sent my letter to the Address that is on the Website ( BBC Radio West Midlands )
Electric Light Orchestra -Bev Bevan - Roy Wood - 22 février 2016 Hello .Today three photos with Bev Bevan autographs. Two were - my selected photos and a one photo - from Beva Bevan. [size=150: Thanks you Beverley Bevan[/size:
Bev Bevan
BBC Radio West Midlands
Level 7
The Mailbox
Birmingham B1 1RF
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Bev Bevan - 03 août 2015 I was also successful. Sent in May 2015, received back the cool b&w postcard with photo of Mr. Bevan drumming with autograph, and a nice handwritten note accompanying it.
Bev Bevan (ELO/The Move) Success! - 18 juin 2013 Sent a letter to the address provided (BBC Birmingham) two weeks ago. Received this in the mail last.
Bev Bevan
BBC Radio West Midlands
Level 7
The Mailbox
Birmingham B1 1RF
For the envelope, I wanted to mask my address and what not for privacy reasons. I think we can call this one a success!
Bev Bevan Success (Electric Light Orchestra/The Move) - 30 juillet 2011 E-mailed Electric Light Orchestra & The Moves drummer Bev Bevan last week and received these sometime this week (Ive been away)
Bev is a great guy!