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Autographes et lettres reçus de Betsy Palmer
(page 4 sur 4):
Betsy Palmer (Friday 13th) Success - 21 février 2012
I sent LOR, SAE and one photo. Received my photo (first) signed, and additional photo (second) signed non in my SAE. But my SAE will returned. And she (?) write on Russian language: ??????? - Thanks. ? ????? ????? - Happy New Year. Sent: 08 November 2011 Received: 20 February 2012 Address used, but received from another address: Betsy Palmer 44 W 85th Street Apt 2A New York, NY 10024-4532 USA - - - -
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Betsy Palmer (Jason’s Mother, Friday 13th) - Success! - 11 mai 2011
(7) Autograph Betsy Palmer (Jason’s Mother, Friday 13th) Mailed: 1/24/11 (3 - 5x7) (3 Month Turnaround) Received: 4/27/11 All Three Autographed 44 W 85th Street Apt 2A New York, NY 10024-4532 ... mer001.jpg (Violent Picture) - By ###:// at 2011-05-10 - By ###:// at 2011-05-10
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Betsy Palmer success - 03 mai 2011
Betsy Palmer. Sent: 11/24/2010 (LOR, IC and SASE) Received: 05/03/2011 (signed IC and small b/w picture with a completely smudged autograph ) Address: the one in database. Comments: second attempt! She did not personalize the autograph as requested. Sorry, no picture.
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Betsy Palmer - Friday the 13th - 03 août 2009
Hellow, I send Betsy Palmer more then a year ago a letter and 2 pics to sign. I never heard something from her. I live in Belgium and added 2 internationale reply coupons and some dollars. What happened? Will she ever send me something? Is it normal to wait so long? Maybe she is retired (her last movie was Bell Witch) and stopped with giving autographs away? I hope not cause i'm a big fan and it would be awesome if she would sign my pics. The last feedback posted on is also a long long time ago.
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