Autographes et lettres reçus de Andrew Whyment (page 2 sur 2):
Andrew Whyment success ( Coronation Street) - 19 novembre 2013 I sent 2 photos, letter and SAE to Andy as well as 5 others in one envelope on: 14th November 2013, and today I recieved my 2 photos back signed and personalized as requested.
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here are the pics:
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Coronation Street - Lisa George & Andrew Whyment Success!!! - 13 novembre 2013 Sent a letter to Lisa on the 8th of October and received a signed picture and note from Lisa and Andy as requested on the 13/11/2013 Im so happy with this success as they are both fantastic actors, and such a big part of Coronation street I sent a Self Stamped addressed envelope
Address used...
Lisa George
"Coronation Street"
Granada Television
Quay Street
Manchester M60 9EA
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Lisa George success ( Coronation Street) plus Andrew Whyment - 15 mars 2013 I sent two seperate requests, one addressed just to Lisa with photo that wasn't signed on my previous request sent with 4 others, and one request addressed to Lisa and Andy Whyment sending a group photo, letter and SAE both requests sent on same day, 7th March 2013, and today I recieved both photos back signed, with the group one signed by both Andy and Lisa, both sent in the same SAE, with other SAE returned.
address I used was:
Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here are the pics:
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Andrew Whyment success ( Coronation Street) - 01 mars 2013 I sent a photo from when I met him, letter and SAE to Andy as well as 6 others in one envelope on: 25th February 2013, and today I recieved my photo back signed and personalized
address i used was:
Coronation Street,
Granda Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA
Here is the pic: - |  |
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Andrew Whyment (Coronation Street) Success X2 - 24 janvier 2012 Sorry for the late post, i have been a little bit busy recently.
Sent: December 12th
Received: January 13th 2012
What? a S.A.S.E
Address used
c/o Coronation Street
Granada TV
Quay Street
M60 9EA
United Kingdom
Check Out the pictures on my site here.
Picture: 1 (I sent him this photo) ... =147654243
Picture: 2 (I sent him this photo) ... =147654243 |  |
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