Ellen Muth 25 Parkland Pl Milford, CT 06460-7723 États-Unis |
Informations sur cette adresse:
(Adresse personnelle) 25 Parkland Pl Milford, CT 06460-7723 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Comment écrire à Ellen Muth?:
Si vous souhaitez recevoir un autographe, suivez les instructions ci-dessous. Si vous voulez simplement envoyer une lettre à l'addresse indiquée ci-dessus, vous pouvez arrêter de lire!
Si vous habitez dans le même pays que le destinataire (États-Unis) envoyez votre lettre accompagnée d'une enveloppe timbrée (21.5 X 10 cm), libéllée à votre adresse et d'une photo.
Vous pouvez également ajouter un morceau de carton afin d'éviter que votre photo ne soit pliée durant le transport et écrire sur les enveloppes "Ne pas plier - Do not bend". Postez votre lettre. En moyenne, vous devrez patienter 3 mois pour recevoir une réponse.
Si vous n'habitez pas aux États-Unis, ajoutez un timbre pour le retour. Vous pouvez trouver des timbres americains ici.
Pour plus d'informations sur les tarifs postaux cliquez ici. |
Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Ellen Muth Successful Reply - 24 novembre 2016 Dear Friends of...fanmail forum,
I sent a letter and a $20 money order requesting an autographed photo from Ellen Muth on 3 November 2016.
[ Ellen Muth, c/o 25 Parkland Place, Milford, Connecticut (06460-7723)
After not hearing back from her for several weeks, I called her home in Connecticut ( 11/20/16) and spoke
with her father who said he would give her my message concerning the status of my photo request. He was
very cordial. I received the envelope the next day with two (2) autographed photos on 21 November 2016,
showing a postmark of 11/19/2016. She had mailed the envelope Friday evening, two days before I had
called her home.
I felt quite embarrassed for acting so rash to make the inquiry by telephone. I was very happy with the
choice of beautiful photos that she had sent to me. (As an unexpected bonus, attached to the envelope flap
were two long strands of blonde hair follicles which are now preserved in a plastic bag taped to the back of one
photo. The photos are now both framed and proudly displayed on my living room wall. What a lovely soul she is.
Her coffee bean business is purported to be doing quite well shipping roasted coffee beans all over
the world. She loves exotic coffee flavors. In the "Dead Like Me " episode, "Be Still My Heart," aired on
Showtime, 09/19/2004, the episode opens with her (VO) espousing the character's common affinity with her
family's love for their morning coffee ritual. They all loved their cup of morning coffee. In the next scene,
she is boasting about a particular obituary article that her new love's father is having a funeral that very day.
(She had reaped him the week before.) The character, George, a grim reaper falls-in-love with the son and
finally gives up her virginity to this handsome lover with the name of "Trip," a trust fund baby living in the
lap of luxury.
Best regards everyone, Tony, the Maestro.
First Autographed Photo of Ellen Muth, here:
http://surfmypictures.com/photo/e333667 ... ic2(300dpi).jpg
Second Autographed Photo of Ellen Muth, here:
http://surfmypictures.com/photo/e333667 ... rait04.jpg
Envelope of Return Mail from Ellen Muth, here:
Good Luck Everyone. ~d'Maestro. |    |
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ellen Muth ttm sucsess - 02 août 2016 sent a lor and a picture and two playing cards on 7/12/16
Ellen Muth
25 Parkland Pl
Milford CT 06460-7723
received back yesterday 8/1/16
picture and envelope:
good luck! |  |
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Ellen Muth success! - 18 juillet 2016 I sent two photos and an SASE to Ellen 2 weeks ago and got them back today! I used the address below;
Ellen Muth
25 Parkland Pl
Milford CT 06460-7723
|  |
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