Raymond J. Barry 9000 Cynthia Street Apt 412 West Hollywood, CA 90069 États-Unis |
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(Adresse personnelle) 9000 Cynthia Street Apt 412 West Hollywood, CA 90069 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Actor Raymond J. Barry success - 10 janvier 2024 Sent LOR, SASE and one 5x7 to Raymond J Berry, 9000 Cynthia St, Apt 412, West Hollywood, CA 90069 on 11/24/23. Received it back signed in blue ballpoint today 1/10/24.
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures |  |
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Raymond J. Barry Actor - 31 juillet 2023 Raymond John Barry (born March 14, 1939) is an American film, television, and stage actor. He was nominated for the Independent Spirit Award for Best Supporting Male for his performance in the film Steel City. Barry is known for his roles in the film Interview with the Assassin, portraying Walter Ohlinger, a man who claimed to be the second shooter on the Grassy Knoll in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and as Ron Kovic's father in the Academy Award-winning film Born on the Fourth of July.
Might be best known for his recurring role on Justified as Arlo Givens, the father of main character Raylan Givens. Also on television, he has appeared as Jack Shephard's grandfather in Lost, and as Fox Mulder's congressional patron, Senator Richard Matheson, in The X-Files.
Sent him 2 photos on 19 Jul and got them back signed on 31 Jul
Mr Raymond J. Barry
9000 Cynthia St Apt 412
W. Hollywood, CA 90069 |
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