Comment écrire à Charlie McDermott?:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Charlie McDermott (The Middle) Success! - 17 novembre 2014 Charlie McDermott, American actor ("The Middle")
I have been waiting a long time for this one! I wrote to Mr. McDermott back when I wrote to Neil Flynn and Atticus Shaffer in 2011, but did not hear back from him. I tried again last year on October 26, and today I finally got something back! That was a wait of 388 days (1 year and 22 days), my longest wait for an autograph so far. I was really excited for it, and that just goes to show that unless you get an RTS, you shouldnt give up!
Since writing to him the first time, he has actually replied to a couple of my tweets. He is my fourth success out of the five main cast members of The Middle (guess Im writing to Eden Sher next!), ninth person when you include guest stars, and fourth from someone who has appeared on The Office.
Sent: LOR, SASE, and photo on October 26, 2013
Address Used: "The Middle," The Warner Brothers Ranch, 411 N. Hollywood Way, Bldg. 29R, Burbank, CA 91505
Received: photo, signed and personalized, on November 17, 2014
Photo: -
Thanks, Mr. McDermott! | ![](http://www.fanmail.biz/autographs/77986/341267/Charlie McDermott_1.jpg) |
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