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Nicholas Sparks
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Alias: Ajouter Galerie des autographes reçus de Nicholas Sparks
Date de naissance: 31 Décembre 1965 Postez l'autographe que vous avez reçu sur le forum
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Adresse email: Ajouter
Dernière réponse reçue le: 10/1/2012 >>>


Nicholas Sparks
Author Mail
Hachette Book Group USA
Grand Central Publishing
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104

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Informations sur cette adresse:

Author Mail
(Maison d'édition)
Hachette Book Group USA
Grand Central Publishing
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104
Téléphone: (212) 522-7200
Fax: (212) 364-0926
Site officiel
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Comment écrire à Nicholas Sparks?:

Si vous souhaitez recevoir un autographe, suivez les instructions ci-dessous. Si vous voulez simplement envoyer une lettre à l'addresse indiquée ci-dessus, vous pouvez arrêter de lire!
Si vous habitez dans le même pays que le destinataire (États-Unis) envoyez votre lettre accompagnée d'une enveloppe timbrée (21.5 X 10 cm), libéllée à votre adresse et d'une photo. Vous pouvez également ajouter un morceau de carton afin d'éviter que votre photo ne soit pliée durant le transport et écrire sur les enveloppes "Ne pas plier - Do not bend".
Postez votre lettre. En moyenne, vous devrez patienter 3 mois pour recevoir une réponse.
Si vous n'habitez pas aux États-Unis, ajoutez un timbre pour le retour. Vous pouvez trouver des timbres americains ici. Pour plus d'informations sur les tarifs postaux cliquez ici.

Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):

Nicholas Sparks - 19 janvier 2012
Sent LOR on 7 September 2011 via Nicholas Sparks Author Mail Grand Central Publishing 237 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 USA On 10 January 2012 signed photo I piblic now because I was faw days in hospital

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Nicholas Sparks (Best Selling Author) HUGE Success! X6! :O - 06 janvier 2012
WOW. <img src= Just received an AMAZING and very unexpected success from Best-Selling Author Nicholas Sparks!! Back on July 12th 2011, Nicholas posted a photo on his official Facebook page of all the Fan mail he’d gotten ( ... ode=eCCuxh) from readers and said he was replying to it. There is literally hundreds of letters in that photo and I figured mine was probably in there somewhere so it would be a bit before mine arrived. LOL. <img src= After a several months of waiting, I sort of lost hope that maybe he meant he was just reading it, but not sending items back. Then today I walk out to the mailbox and there it was! Kind of ironic too, as I watched ‘A walk to Remember’ just last night! <img src= Nicholas graciously signed the 4x6 photo and two custom items I sent and then totally blew me away by sending an additional three more items which were signed on these very, very cool ‘First day of Issue’ 6.5 x 3.5 stamped envelopes! <img src= One’s even dated ‘July 28th 1983’! He did not use my SASE, but opted to use his own. Was postmarked from ‘North Carolina’. Thank you so much Nicholas!! 8)<!-- s8) --> 

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4x6 Photo and custom cards:
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Signed ‘First day of Issue’ Envelopes:
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Sent: February 14th 2011
Replied: January 6th 2012
Days Taken: 327

Address Used:

Nicholas Sparks 
C/o Grand Central Publishing 
237 Park Avenue 
New York, New York 10017 

RYAN-J  <!-- s8) --><img src=

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Nicholas Sparks Success! <3 - 17 août 2011
<img src= Best day ever, just checked my mail and found a SASE I sent out over a year ago but VERY much worth the wait! I didn’t receive a picture back from him but he signed a book of his! YAY!!!! I received back a copy of The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks; he is my favorite writer EVER! He also enclosed a typed letter. Very sweet, I will enclose pics of both. The envelope didn’t have a return address but, I know that I used Nicholas Sparks Author Mail Grand Central Publishing 237 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 <img src= address however it was returned in January for not enough postage and someone had put a different address over it that was in New Bern NC. I am so stoked he is my favorite and is my first success from using this site for addresses! Took a long time from Last November 2010 but still very much worth the wait! Also on the book he sent me he paid postage the extra $2.09 and had delivery confirmation added. <3 it! <img src= P.S. The delivery confirmation came from New Bern NCc, zip code 28562 <img src= - -

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