Comment écrire à Tom Clancy?:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
GREAT Tom Clancy Success! - 22 août 2012 Sent Tom Clancy LOR only expressing my appreciation of his books and also told him how my soon-to-be-born son will be named after someone in his books. I was expecting the same pre-print others have received, but instead found a package on my doorstep today with an envelope inside that said "Congrats" on the outside. The envelope included the preprint, but also in the package was the hardcover classic book "The Patriot Games," autographed on the inside and also with a 4x6 photo and authentic autographed photo sitting inside the book, so Tom Clancy x 3, plus the book. What a great author and guy to do something like that.
Anyway, I used the address in the database and the package came from a Ritz Carlton in Maryland. I sent it about 2 weeks ago (if I recall correctly)
Really excited about this one! |  |
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Tom Clancy Success - 31 mars 2012 I sent LOR on email. Received PP photo.
Sent: 14 November 2011
Received: 30 March 2012
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