Doug Swift 265 S 25th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-5551 États-Unis |
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(Adresse personnelle) 265 S 25th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-5551 États-Unis Téléphone: Fax: Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
NFL Doug Swift Success - 06 novembre 2022 Sent a LOR, SASE and TC to:
Douglas 'Doug' Swift
265 S. 25th St
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Sent: 8/24/22
Received: 11/6/22
http://surfmypictures.com/image/163110f7d5dbc3c2/qj4j9.html | |
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Doug Swift Football... Dolphins' 17-0 Super Bowl Season - 19 janvier 2022 Douglas A. Swift (born October 24, 1948) is a former American football linebacker who played six seasons in the National Football League for the Miami Dolphins. Swift moved into the starting lineup as a rookie and held the strongside linebacker position for the next six seasons, including the Dolphins' Super Bowl victories following the 1972 and 1973 seasons.
Miami Dolphins (19701975)
Super Bowl VII
Super Bowl VIII
Sent him 2 cards on 11 Apr 2020 and got them back signed on 18 Jan 2022.. He did sign them Miami 17-0.. My letter must have got lost
Mr Doug Swift
265 S 25th St
Philadelphia, PA 19103 |
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