Joseph Tanner PO Box 1166 Ridgway, CO 81432-1166 États-Unis |
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Astronaut Joseph Tanner Updated address - 19 août 2020 PO Box 1166
Ridgway, CO 81432-1166
Sent 6-27-20 Recd 8-17-20 Sent 2 3x5 cards only recd 1 back signed
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures |  |
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Joe Tanner Shuttle Astronaut (Joseph Tanner) - 22 décembre 2015 Joseph Richard "Joe" Tanner (born January 21, 1950) is an American instructor at the University of Colorado Boulder, a former naval aviator, and a former NASA astronaut. He was born in Danville, Illinois. He is unusual among astronauts as he did not have a background in flight test nor did he earn any advanced academic degrees. Typically those who did not do military flight test have an MD or PhD, if not a masters, whereas Tanner's path to becoming an astronaut followed operational military flying and then into NASA for operational jet training before being selected into the astronaut corps.
Tanner's fourth mission, STS-115 aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis launched on September 9, 2006. On September 13, he participated in the 5 hour 26 min spacewalk to connect the P3/4 truss to the ISS. STS-115 returned to Earth on September 21, 2006. A photo that he took during his spacewalk was later listed on Popular Science's photo gallery of the best astronaut selfies.
Missions STS-66, STS-82, STS-97, STS-115
Sent him 2 photos of doing a Space Walk 7 Dec and got them back signed on 21 Dec.. He signed them.."An EVA salute to you"... Joe Tanner STS-115
Extravehicular activity (EVA) is any activity done by an astronaut or cosmonaut outside a spacecraft beyond the Earth's appreciable atmosphere. The term most commonly applies to a spacewalk ..
Photo that was sent
Mr Joseph Tanner
800 Nelson Park Ln.
Longmont, CO. 80503-7688 |
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