Piers Sellers 16011 Craighurst Dr. Houston, TX 77059-6424 États-Unis |
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Shuttle Astronaut Piers Sellers Success! - 14 décembre 2015 Dr. Piers Sellers 16011 Craighurst Dr. Houston, TX. 77059
Sent a LOR, photo and a postage paid envelope to Dr. Sellers at the above address. Sent last month some time. Received my photo back signed and personalized to me within approx: 3 weeks. Sorry no scanner! |
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Piers Sellers Shuttle Astronaut - 14 avril 2015 Piers John Sellers, Ph.D., OBE (born 11 April 1955) is a British-born Anglo-American meteorologist, and a NASA astronaut. He is a veteran of three space shuttle missions. Sellers attended Cranbrook School, Cranbrook, Kent, United Kingdom, until 1973, and achieved a bachelor's degree in ecological science from the University of Edinburgh in 1976. In 1981 he gained a doctorate in biometeorology from the University of Leeds.
Selected as an astronaut candidate by NASA in April 1996, Piers reported to the NASA Johnson Space Center in August 1996. He completed two years of training and evaluation and was initially assigned technical duties in the Astronaut Office Computer Support Branch, followed by service in the Astronaut Office Space Station Branch. During that time, Piers worked part-time in Moscow as a technical liaison on ISS computer software. Piers has logged over 559 hours in space, including almost 41 EVA hours in 6 spacewalks.
Sent him 2 photos (same photo that is on his wikipedia page while doing a spacewalk during STS-121 mission) on 9 Mar. and got both back signed on 14 Apr.
Dr. Piers Sellers
16011 Craighurst Dr.
Houston, TX. 77059 |
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