Linda Godwin 3801 Eagle View Ct Columbia, MO 65203-1064 États-Unis |
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Linda Godwin Shuttle Astronaut - 26 juillet 2016 Linda Maxine Godwin Ph.D. (born July 2, 1952) is an American scientist and retired NASA astronaut. Godwin joined NASA in 1980 and became an astronaut in July 1986. She retired in 2010. During her career, Godwin completed four space flights and logged over 38 days in space. Godwin is the Assistant to the Director for Exploration, Flight Crew Operations Directorate at the Johnson Space Center. Since retiring she accepted the position of Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Missouri. A veteran of four space flights, Godwin has logged over 38 days in space, including over ten EVA hours in two spacewalks. In 1991 she served as a Mission Specialist on STS-37, was the Payload Commander on STS-59 in 1994, flew on STS-76 in 1996, a Mir docking mission, and served on STS-108/International Space Station Flight UF-1 in 2001.
Sent her 2 photos on 13 Jun and got both back signed on 28 Jul
Dr. Linda Godwin
3801 Eagle View Ct.
Columbia, MO 65203 |
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