Crispin Freeman Arlene Thornton Agency 12711 Ventura Blvd. Suite 345 Studio City, CA 91604 États-Unis
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Arlene Thornton Agency (Agence artistique) 12711 Ventura Blvd. Suite 345 Studio City, CA 91604 États-Unis Téléphone: (818) 760-6688 Fax: (818) 760-1165 Site officiel Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Crispin Freeman (American Voice Actor) AWESOME Success! - 25 mars 2013 Today brought in this HUGE success and one other, and I seriously could not be happier right now. This post is for the amazing Crispin Freeman, who has done many voices in popular anime here in the States.
I sent him a fan letter (Again, I have been asked not to post this address as it is not available to the public at this time, please do not message me for the address.) and 3 photographs along with a SASE on March 1st and got my 3 photographs not only sighed, but personalized with my name along with quotes from the shows!
Crispin Freeman as the voice of Hideki Motosuwa in the Chobits Series.
"To Siera, CHII!!!" and "Hideki" after his signature.
Crispin Freeman as the voice of Tsume in the Wolfs Rain Series.
"To Siera, See you in Paradise..." and "Tsume" after his signature.
Crispin Freeman as the voice of Prince Turnip Head in the Miyazaki Film of Howls Moving Castle.
"To Siera, Best Wishes!" and "Prince Turnip" after his signature.
Very, very amazed at this fast success and how kind Mr. Freeman was! : Im a huge fan of his, and I could not be happier with this fantastic success! |    |
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