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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Gina Schock Drummer The Go-Go's - 21 avril 2020 Regina Ann "Gina" Schock (born August 31, 1957) is an American musician. She is best known as the drummer in the all-woman rock band The Go-Go's. Following the dissolution of The Go-Go's, Schock continued drumming with various artists, and would also hone her singing and songwriting skills. In 1987 she and Vance DeGeneres formed House of Schock, which released one album for Capitol Records. The Go-Go's reformed in 1990; Schock has toured and recorded with them since. She also works as a writer and producer for new bands. Schock's songs have appeared in films including The Accused, Superstar, and Bull Durham. She has acted for television and in several films, including those of underground director Relah Eckstein.
Sent her to photos on 25 Jul 2019 and got them back signed on 21 Apr 2020
Ms Gina Schock
PO Box 720160
San Francisco, CA 94172 |
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