Kent Williams Mary Collins Agency, Inc. 4131 N. Central Expressway Suite 900 Dallas, TX 75204 États-Unis
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Mary Collins Agency, Inc. (Agence artistique) 4131 N. Central Expressway Suite 900 Dallas, TX 75204 États-Unis Téléphone: (214)-871-8900 Fax: (214)-871-8945 Site officiel Commentaires:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Kent Williams(Tao/Dr.Gero/Supreme Kai in DBZ) cool success! - 10 novembre 2011 The first time i sent to Kent i received a RTS, so he told me to send the stuff again & he would make sure he would get it, so i sent to him again & was very pleased with the return & the cool inscriptions he wrote(in character!), he is a VERY nice guy, getting this success also means i am finished with the main androids! Very happy to add him to my dbz collection!
Sent:10/20/11 LOR,SASE, 2 dbz cards & 1 season booklet
Rec:10/31/11, everything signed & personalized with cool inscriptions
cards(1st says,"very nice to meet you Kyle!, & 2nd says "i will absorb all your energy!)
DB Season 2 booklet(says "its time for you to die Kyle)
address:C/O Funimation Entertainment
1200 Lakeside Pkwy
Flower Mound, TX 75028 |   |
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Kent Williams(Gero/Android 20/Tao in DBZ) Odd failure?? - 19 octobre 2011 I wanted to add Kent to my near complete Dragon Ball Z collection, i got in contact with him, & he told me to send to Funimation, so i sent a season booklet, & 2 dbz cards to Kent & recieved them all back in my SASE UNSIGNED, i don't know if i should try resending them or what?
Sent: September 28th, Lor, Sase, Season booklet of DB, 2 DBZ cards.
Rec:October 17th, everything unsigned in my SASE.
Kent Williams
Funimation Entertainment
1200 Lakeside Pkwy
Flower Mound, TX 75028 |
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