Comment écrire à Hilary Haag?:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
Hilary Haag (American Voice Actor) Fast/Surprising Success! - 25 mars 2013 This was the other success I got in the mail today, and again I can not give out the address I used, so please dont ask. Im sorry! I was so shocked when I opened up my envelope to find what not only the 2 photographs Ive sent her but also a personalized note responding to my letter! Pictures of all are below.
Hilary Haag as the voice of Rosette Christopher in the Chrno Crusade series.
Hilary Haag as the voice of Riku Harada in the D.N. Angel series (my favorite!)
Both of the autographed pictures along with the personal note from Miss Haag.
She writes: "Dear Siera - Thank you for the kind letter! I love hearing that you enjoy my work. To answer your questions: Directors call me to audition for roles they think I may be a good voice for and yes. I usually do have fun but some characters are more challenging than others and it becomes "work." Im very lucky to get fun roles though. Thank you again! Hilary"
I feel so lucky to have gotten a note back from her! She is truly a very talented woman and I am so grateful for her taking the time to write me a note to answer my industry questions and to thank me for writing. So sweet! <3 |    |
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