Comment écrire à The Lennon Sisters?:
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Dernières réponses reçues (en anglais):
The Lennon Sisters... Singers - 13 octobre 2021 The Lennon Sisters are an American vocal group initially made up of four sisters from a family that had seven sisters in all (including infant Mary Frances, March 5, 1953 June 20, 1954) and five brothers. The original quartet consisted of Dianne (born Dianne Barbara; aka DeeDee; December 1, 1939), Peggy (born Margaret Anne, April 8, 1941), Kathy (born Kathleen Mary, August 2, 1943), and Janet (born Janet Elizabeth, June 15, 1946). All 12 Lennon children were born in Los Angeles, California.
For thirteen years, from 1955 to 1968, the group appeared regularly on The Lawrence Welk Show (receiving union scale wages) before having their own television variety show, called Jimmy Durante Presents the Lennon Sisters with Jimmy Durante. After their show was cancelled, they partnered with Andy Williams to create a successful Las Vegas residency, which lasted a decade. In 1999, younger sister Mimi (born Miriam Theresa, October 16, 1955) replaced Peggy upon the latter's retirement. DeeDee has also since retired. The current line-up of the Lennon Sisters is a trio consisting of Kathy, Janet, and Mimi. They continue to tour around the country and appear annually with their Christmas show at The Andy Williams Moon River Theatre in Branson, Missouri.
The Lennon Sisters were 2001 inductees into the Vocal Group Hall of Fame.
Sent Kathy Lennon 2 photos on 1 Oct and got them back signed by the 4 Lennon sisters.. Kathy, Janet, Dianne, and Peggy.. They signed their first names to the photos..
The label on the return envelope says
The Lennon Sisters
210 Eagle Pointe Dr
Branson, MO 65616
This is the address that I sent to Kathy Lennon - Daris |
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